The importance of 'musubi': Analysis of the Spanish translations of the book, movie and comic of Makoto Shinkai’s ‘your name.’

Translation strategies, techniques and approaches diverse according to the target readership and medium in which they are presented. This is even more so when we analyse the literary translation of a book, and the dubbed and subtitled versions of the movie adaptation of the same literary product.

By relying on the framework of Descriptive Translation Studies (Toury 1995) in order to ascertain the representation of the Japanese other through the study of the translation of cultural referents (Mangiron 2006, Serra-Vilella 2016) and the analysis of paratexts (Genette 1997), this presentation will analyse from an interdisciplinary perspective the translation into Castilian Spanish of Makoto Shinkai’s acclaimed your name. in its three existing forms: the animated movie version, the novelised version, and the manga comic book version. Having translated both the book and the comic, one of the main challenges that the presenter faced when translating was how best to maintain general consistency whilst prioritizing the inherent characteristics that come when translating a novel or a comic book.

This paper will analyse selected fragments of the three products to show how each translator dealt with several adaptation difficulties, such as puns, the use of Japanese pronouns, or the translation of cultural references. It will also determine whether the three translations tend towards a foreignising or domesticating approach, and will explore the underlying reasons behind that reality.


Genette, Gérard. (1997). Paratexts: Thresholds of interpretation. Jane E. Lewin (Trans.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mangiron, Carme. (2006). El tractament dels referents culturals a les traduccions de la novel·la Botxan: la interacció entre els elements textuals i extratextuals [The treatment of cultural referents in the translations of the novel Botchan: the interaction between textual and extratextual elements]. PhD dissertation. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Serra-Vilella, Alba. (2016). La traducció de llibres japonesos a Espanya (1900-2014) i el paper dels paratextos en la creació de l’alteritat [Translation of Japanese books in Spain (1900-2014) and the role of paratexts in the creation of Otherness]. PhD dissertation. Retrieved from <> [Last accessed: 20/09/2016]

Shinkai, Makoto. (2017) your name. (Book version). Trans. by Paula Martínez Sirés. Barcelona: Planeta Ed. —. (2017) your name. (Comic books, Vol. 1, 2, 3). Ranmaru Kotone (Artist), Paula Martínez Sirés (Trans.). Barcelona: Planeta Ed.

Toury, Gideon. (1995). Descriptive Translation Studies – And beyond. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.